Rujoiu 1/2008

Sociologie Românească, Vol. VI, no. 1/2008, pp. 90-104.




Incursiune în "arta compromisului" de cuplu: violul marital. De la "drepturi masculine" la "obligaţii feminine"

Incursion into the "art of compromise" in the couple: marital rape. From "masculine rights" to "feminine duties"

Valentina Rujoiu


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Abstract: The paper examines the marital rape issue by discussing some of the controversies involved in analyzing this phenomenon. Marital rape as well as wife rape are concepts that many of us find difficult to comprehend because .it is not possible. in a strict legal sense. Furthermore, the available evidence on spousal violence indicates that a number of women are forced into having sexual relations with their husbands through physical abuse or intimidation. The investigation of marital rape is an important topic for social scientists because the effects are severe and life-long.

Keywords: marital rape; domestic violence; intimate partner violence; battered women.

Cuvinte-cheie: viol marital, violență domestică, violența dintre parteneri, femei maltratate.