Faria şi Ciochină 1/2007

Sociologie Românească, Vol. V, no. 1/2007, pp. 76-89.




Influenţa dimensiunii culturale individualism-colectivism asupra concepţiilor personale despre inteligenţă

The Influence of the Cultural Dimension of Collectivism - Individualism on Personal Conceptions of Intelligence


Laura Ciochină, Luísa Faria


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Abstract: The core aspect of this article is centered on the attempt to highlight the way in which the individualism-collectivism (IND/COL) dimension . which in the last 20 years has been largely used to compare societies . can be accurately operationalized, to conceive an adequate methodology for the measurement and validation of these two controversial constructs, and, consequently, for the investigation of their relation with the psychological functioning of individuals, particularly, with the structuring and the development of personal conceptions of intelligence (PCI). In this way, at a theoretical level, we analyze the influence of the IND/COL on the PCI of Portuguese and Romanian students, proceeding from the assumption that the cultural context, in which individuals live and act, models such conceptions, and, implicitly, influences the particular achievement patterns of behavior and school performance.