Rezumate Sociologie Românescă

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1/2016, pp. 61-74.

SR 1 2016 copertaAmélioration de la qualité de vie à partir de la prospérité précaire. Analyse du rôle des liens sociaux et des stratégies d’adaptation des ménages en Roumanie et en Suisse

Improving the Quality of Life when Living in Precarious Prosperity. Analysis of the Role of Social Ties and of Adjustment Strategies by Households from Romania and Switzerland

Rebekka Sieber*, Ionela Vlase**

*Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de Sociologie, Faubourg de l’Hopital 26, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

** Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu, Bd. Victoriei, nr. 10, Sibiu 550024. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  1. Rebekka Sieber and Ionela Vlase. Amélioration de la qualité de vie à partir de la prospérité précaire. Analyse du rôle des liens sociaux et des stratégies d’adaptation des ménages en Roumanie et en Suisse. Sociologie Românească XIV(1):61-74, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Sieber, Rebekka and Vlase, Ionela",
    	title = "Amélioration de la qualité de vie à partir de la prospérité précaire. Analyse du rôle des liens sociaux et des stratégies d’adaptation des ménages en Roumanie et en Suisse",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "61-74",
    	abstract = "This article investigates the strategies to improve the quality of life of households in precarious prosperity in urban contexts of Romania and Switzerland – two countries who are characterised by strong structural and political differences and dissimilar living conditions. The paper advances qualitative research on the topic, which is still scarce. Quality of life is approached according to the definition of Zapf and the empirical analysis is based on the concept of social bonds of Paugam. The authors undertook a longitudinal analysis on several interview waves in order to shed light on the role of the welfare state, the labour market, the family and the community for the households’ quality of life. The Swiss households perceive a greater scope of agency than the Romanian households, which depend mainly on the labour market and their family. Strategies of adaptation come to the fore in both countries, when an active modification of the living conditions is not perceived as possible. This new element goes beyond the Paugam’s concept of social bonds and allows for understanding where new social policy is needed: in the adapted cases, the welfare state and communities could actually play an active role to improve the households’ quality of life.",
    	keywords = "Precariousness; quality of life; Romania; Switzerland; household strategies; adaptation",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: This article investigates the strategies to improve the quality of life of households in precarious prosperity in urban contexts of Romania and Switzerland – two countries who are characterised by strong structural and political differences and dissimilar living conditions. The paper advances qualitative research on the topic, which is still scarce. Quality of life is approached according to the definition of Zapf and the empirical analysis is based on the concept of social bonds of Paugam. The authors undertook a longitudinal analysis on several interview waves in order to shed light on the role of the welfare state, the labour market, the family and the community for the households’ quality of life. The Swiss households perceive a greater scope of agency than the Romanian households, which depend mainly on the labour market and their family. Strategies of adaptation come to the fore in both countries, when an active modification of the living conditions is not perceived as possible. This new element goes beyond the Paugam’s concept of social bonds and allows for understanding where new social policy is needed: in the adapted cases, the welfare state and communities could actually play an active role to improve the households’ quality of life.

Keywords: Precariousness; quality of life; Romania; Switzerland; household strategies; adaptation.

Cuvinte-cheie: precaritate; calitatea vieții; România; Elveția; strategii ale gospodăriilor; adaptare.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1/2016, pp. 7-22.

SR 1 2016 copertaA Hypothesis on the Origin and Synchrony of the Romanian and Western Medical Sociology

Bogdan Bucur*

*National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Faculty of Political Science, Department of Sociology, 30A Expoziţiei Street, 7th Floor, District 1, 012104 Bucharest, Romania. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  1. Bucur Bogdan. A Hypothesis on the Origin and Synchrony of the Romanian and Western Medical Sociology. Sociologie Românească XIV(1):7-22, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Bogdan, Bucur",
    	title = "A Hypothesis on the Origin and Synchrony of the Romanian and Western Medical Sociology",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "7-22",
    	abstract = "The present article focuses on the eating habits of the population of interwar Romania, as rendered in the monographic research of the Sociological School of Bucharest, founded and led by Professor Dimitrie Gusti. It also investigates the health state of the Romanian citizens, mainly, but not exclusively, of those from rural areas. Our sources of information on the nutrition and public health of interwar Romania consisted in the studies and research carried out in the 1918–1948 period by the Sociological School of Bucharest, published in scientific journals and books edited under the scientific authority of Professor Gusti. In this respect, we have examined, almost in its entirety, the relevant work published by the Monographic School on the subject of nutrition and public health. The present article aims, therefore, to summarize the sociological studies and research carried out in the interwar period, at national level, which we above mentioned. It also aims to bring forward, for further critical scrutiny, a hypothesis regarding the synchrony between the Romanian medical sociology (of Gustian origin) and the similar scientific movements from the Western countries.",
    	keywords = "sociology of food; medical sociology; Sociological School of Bucharest; interwar Romania; Dimitrie Gusti",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: The present article focuses on the eating habits of the population of interwar Romania, as rendered in the monographic research of the Sociological School of Bucharest, founded and led by Professor Dimitrie Gusti. It also investigates the health state of the Romanian citizens, mainly, but not exclusively, of those from rural areas. Our sources of information on the nutrition and public health of interwar Romania consisted in the studies and research carried out in the 1918–1948 period by the Sociological School of Bucharest, published in scientific journals and books edited under the scientific authority of Professor Gusti. In this respect, we have examined, almost in its entirety, the relevant work published by the Monographic School on the subject of nutrition and public health. The present article aims, therefore, to summarize the sociological studies and research carried out in the interwar period, at national level, which we above mentioned. It also aims to bring forward, for further critical scrutiny, a hypothesis regarding the synchrony between the Romanian medical sociology (of Gustian origin) and the similar scientific movements from the Western countries.

Keywords: sociology of food; medical sociology; Sociological School of Bucharest; interwar Romania; Dimitrie Gusti.

Cuvinte-cheie: sociologia alimentației; sociologie medicală; Școala Sociologică de la București; România interbelică; Dimitrie Gusti.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1/2016, pp. 45-60.

SR 1 2016 copertaThe Role of Access to Healthcare in Self-rated Health in Romania, from a European Comparative Perspective

Iuliana Precupețu*, Cosmina-Elena Pop**

*Research Institute for Quality of Life, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucuresti, Romania. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

**Research Institute for Quality of Life, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucuresti, Romania. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  1. Iuliana Precupețu and Cosmina-Elena Pop. The Role of Access to Healthcare in Self-rated Health in Romania, from a European Comparative Perspective. Sociologie Românească XIV(1):45-60, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Precupețu, Iuliana and Pop, Cosmina-Elena",
    	title = "The Role of Access to Healthcare in Self-rated Health in Romania, from a European Comparative Perspective",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "45-60",
    	abstract = "This paper investigates the contribution of the socioeconomic status and access to healthcare toward subjective health in Romania, when compared to two groups of countries: the Central and Eastern European, and the Nordic and Western countries. This data come from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) 2012. Two models are examined, with the help of logistic regression: one testing the contribution of socioeconomic status on self-rated health, and one testing the influence of access to healthcare on self-rated health. In line with previous research, the results showed that the socioeconomic status contributes significantly to the health status in Romania, as well as the two country groups, although there was evidence of greater social and economic inequalities in Romania. Similarly, access to healthcare was proven to be a key universal factor influencing self-rated health, but in Romania, it showed a higher extent of variation in the self-perceived general health.",
    	keywords = "access to healthcare; health inequalities; EQLS",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: This paper investigates the contribution of the socioeconomic status and access to healthcare toward subjective health in Romania, when compared to two groups of countries: the Central and Eastern European, and the Nordic and Western countries. This data come from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) 2012. Two models are examined, with the help of logistic regression: one testing the contribution of socioeconomic status on self-rated health, and one testing the influence of access to healthcare on self-rated health. In line with previous research, the results showed that the socioeconomic status contributes significantly to the health status in Romania, as well as the two country groups, although there was evidence of greater social and economic inequalities in Romania. Similarly, access to healthcare was proven to be a key universal factor influencing self-rated health, but in Romania, it showed a higher extent of variation in the self-perceived general health.

Keywords: access to healthcare; health inequalities; EQLS.

Cuvinte-cheie: acces la servicii de îngrijire a sănătății; inegalități în sănătate; EQLS.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1/2016, pp. 23-44.

SR 1 2016 copertaCadre normativ-instituționale ale construcției sociale a profesiei de consilier de probațiune în zona de Nord-Est a României și în Republica Moldova

Institutional Regulatory Frameworks of the Social Construction of the Probation Counselor Profession in North-East Romania and the Republic of Moldova

Antonio Sandu*

*Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, Universitatea de Stat, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Centrul de Cercetări Socio-Umane Lumen, Iaşi. OP3, CP 780, Iaşi, România. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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  1. Antonio Sandu. Cadre normativ-instituționale ale construcției sociale a profesiei de consilier de probațiune în zona de Nord-Est a României și în Republica Moldova. Sociologie Românească XIV(1):23-44, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Sandu, Antonio",
    	title = "Cadre normativ-instituționale ale construcției sociale a profesiei de consilier de probațiune în zona de Nord-Est a României și în Republica Moldova",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "23-44",
    	abstract = "The present article aims to analyse the institutional regulatory frameworks of the activity of probation counselors in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, and their impact on the social construction of the profession of probation counselor. The theoretical frameworks are pegged by the three paradigms on justice: retributive, restorative and humanistic (based on human rights). The model of probation implemented in the two states, according to the existing normative framework, is tributary to the retributive paradigm. We notice an intention of the legislator to harmonize the national legislation with the European frameworks in the field, by introducing certain regulatory frameworks based on restorative and humanistic justice, but there are also inconsistencies in transposing those into normative frameworks of functioning of probation. The cultural context of the two countries is unfavorable for the social alternatives to imprisonment, the dominant mentality being highly retributive. The epistemic and axiological frameworks of the probation services in Romania and the Republic of Moldova are generally tributary to the prisonocentric paradigm, belonging to the model of retributive justice. The probation system is generally seen as an alternative to imprisonment, and less as an alternative to the punishment. We must notice that the regulatory progress of the Romanian system of juvenile justice, which eliminates the idea of punishment applied to the minors, the sanctioning measures applied, including the custodial ones are considered educational measures, not punitive ones.",
    	keywords = "restorative justice; probation; institutional regulatory frameworks; social construction of probation",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: The present article aims to analyse the institutional regulatory frameworks of the activity of probation counselors in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, and their impact on the social construction of the profession of probation counselor. The theoretical frameworks are pegged by the three paradigms on justice: retributive, restorative and humanistic (based on human rights). The model of probation implemented in the two states, according to the existing normative framework, is tributary to the retributive paradigm. We notice an intention of the legislator to harmonize the national legislation with the European frameworks in the field, by introducing certain regulatory frameworks based on restorative and humanistic justice, but there are also inconsistencies in transposing those into normative frameworks of functioning of probation. The cultural context of the two countries is unfavorable for the social alternatives to imprisonment, the dominant mentality being highly retributive. The epistemic and axiological frameworks of the probation services in Romania and the Republic of Moldova are generally tributary to the prisonocentric paradigm, belonging to the model of retributive justice. The probation system is generally seen as an alternative to imprisonment, and less as an alternative to the punishment. We must notice that the regulatory progress of the Romanian system of juvenile justice, which eliminates the idea of punishment applied to the minors, the sanctioning measures applied, including the custodial ones are considered educational measures, not punitive ones.

Keywords: restorative justice; probation; institutional regulatory frameworks; social construction of probation.

Cuvinte-cheie: justiție restaurativă; probațiune; cadre normativ-instituționale; construcție socială a probațiunii.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1/2016, pp. 77-85.

SR 1 2016 copertaChina: un nou actor mondial cu inițiativă la scara istoriei? Observații pe marginea celui mai recent dosar The Economist pe această temă

China: a New Global Player with Initiative in History? Comments Regarding The Economist’s Most Recent Dossier on the Subject

Radu Baltasiu*, Ovidiana Bulumac**

* Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială, Str. Schitu Măgureanu 9, sector 5, Bucureşti. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

** Academia Română, Centrul European de Studii în Probleme Etnice, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, București, 71102. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Citare (Citation):

  1. Radu Baltasiu and Ovidiana Bulumac. China: un nou actor mondial cu inițiativă la scara istoriei? Observații pe marginea celui mai recent dosar The Economist pe această temă. Sociologie Românească XIV(1):77-85, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Baltasiu, Radu and Bulumac, Ovidiana",
    	title = "China: un nou actor mondial cu inițiativă la scara istoriei? Observații pe marginea celui mai recent dosar The Economist pe această temă",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "77-85",
    	year = 2016