Golopenția 2-3/2016

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 2-3/2016, pp. 11-18.

SR 2 3 2016 copertaPreocupări de statistică economică ale lui Anton Golopenţia

Anton Golopentia on Economic Statistics

Sanda Golopenția*

*Brown University, Providence, U.S.A.

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  1. Sanda Golopenția. Preocupări de statistică economică ale lui Anton Golopenţia. Sociologie Românească XIV(2-3):11-19, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Golopenția, Sanda",
    	title = "Preocupări de statistică economică ale lui Anton Golopenţia",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = "2-3",
    	pages = "11-19",
    	abstract = "We publish two among the economic statistic proposals presented by Anton Golopentia to the State Planning Commission (SPC) of Romania during 1949. The first is a Note in which, in answer to the problem raised by the SPC, A.G. considers the possibility of dividing the territory of Romania into four economic regions of comparable strength. The second is the proposal to direct the production, in two months, by a group of former employees of CISR, of a Small Economic and Social Atlas of the P. R. of Romania, whose summary is attached.",
    	keywords = "Anton Golopentia; economic statistics; four economic regions in Romania; The Small Economic and Social Atlas of the P. R. of Romania; State Planning Commission; Central Institute of Statistics/Romania (CISR)",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: We publish two among the economic statistic proposals presented by Anton Golopentia to the State Planning Commission (SPC) of Romania during 1949. The first is a Note in which, in answer to the problem raised by the SPC, A.G. considers the possibility of dividing the territory of Romania into four economic regions of comparable strength. The second is the proposal to direct the production, in two months, by a group of former employees of CISR, of a Small Economic and Social Atlas of the P. R. of Romania, whose summary is attached.

Keywords: Anton Golopentia; economic statistics; four economic regions in Romania; The Small Economic and Social Atlas of the P. R. of Romania; State Planning Commission; Central Institute of Statistics/Romania (CISR).

Cuvinte-cheie: Anton Golopenţia; statistică economică; patru regiuni economice ale României; Micul atlas economic şi social al R. P. România; Comisia de Stat a Planificării; Institutul Central de Statistică.