Sociologie Românească, vol. V, nr. 2/2007
ISSN 1220 - 5389
Susanne Pickel
Modernization, Cleavages and Voting Behavior in East Europe. An Analysis of Romanian Voting Behavior in Comparative Perspective / 85-113.
Monica Vasile
The Sense of Property, Deprivation and Memory in the Case of Obştea Vrânceană / 114-129.
Septimiu Chelcea
Sociologia emoţiilor: teorii culturale (Sociology of Emotions: Cultural Theories) / 149-164.
Paul Dobrescu
Şcoala de la Toronto. Contribuţia lui Harold Innis (The School of Toronto. The Contribution of Harold Innis) / 165-177.
Valentina Rujoiu, Octavian Rujoiu
Ruşinea şi onoarea în contextul violenţei domestice (Shame and Honor in the Context of Domestic Violence) / 178-192.
Gheorghiţă Geană
Unde-i eufemismul?... (Where is the euphemism?...) / 193-195.
Antonio Momoc
Zoltán Rostás, Sorin Stoica (eds.) A Two-Way Trip. Conversations on Working Abroad (2 vol.) / 196-198.
Viorel Cioflică, David Popescu
Mihai Pascaru (ed.) Catalyse. Knowledge, Participation and Development in the Community Space / 198-202.
Laura Nistor
József Hegedüs and Raymond J. Struyk (eds.) Housing Finance. New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia, and Kazakhstan / 202-206.