Rezumate Sociologie Românescă

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 11-13.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Harmony Project as a Starting Point

Sorin Mitulescu

Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Str. Dr. Valea Argovei nr. 38, Bucureşti. E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

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  1. Sorin Mitulescu. Harmony Project as a Starting Point. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):11-13, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Mitulescu, Sorin",
    	title = "Harmony Project as a Starting Point",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "11-13",
    	abstract = "Introduction",
    	year = 2017

Abstract: Introduction.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 15-32.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Entering Adulthood. In Search of Specificity of the Post-communist Countries

Krystyna Szafraniec

Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

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  1. Krystyna Szafraniec. Entering Adulthood. In Search of Specificity of the Post-communist Countries. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):15-32, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Szafraniec, Krystyna",
    	title = "Entering Adulthood. In Search of Specificity of the Post-communist Countries",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "15-32",
    	abstract = "The subject of analysis in this article is, on the one hand, the category of youth (as a phase of life and as a social group), increasingly discursive and less transparent nowadays, and – on the other hand – some social areas revealing the largest cumulation of young people’s life problems, such as education, entering a labour market and issues related to becoming self-reliant and personal life arrangements. The specific of the post-communist countries is that all of the above presenting a quite different, non-standard face of the youth, which may be excessively prolonged in entering adulthood, more complex (hybrid), more difficult to bear, systemically bereft and politically riskier. The issue analysed in this article is part of a broader diagnosis of the young generation in countries undergoing the political transformation in Eastern Europe and Asia. The empirical base used in this project were existing sources collected in national and international surveys and studies. The paper presents – first – some (psychological, sociological and political) arguments for a broader definition of youth, and then focuses on showing the three main areas requiring support, which are in analyzed countries: education, transition from school to employment and establishing the new independent family life.",
    	keywords = "the youth; entering adulthood; education; labour market; privacy arrangements",
    	year = 2017

Abstract: The subject of analysis in this article is, on the one hand, the category of youth (as a phase of life and as a social group), increasingly discursive and less transparent nowadays, and – on the other hand – some social areas revealing the largest cumulation of young people’s life problems, such as education, entering a labour market and issues related to becoming self-reliant and personal life arrangements. The specific of the post-communist countries is that all of the above presenting a quite different, non-standard face of the youth, which may be excessively prolonged in entering adulthood, more complex (hybrid), more difficult to bear, systemically bereft and politically riskier. The issue analysed in this article is part of a broader diagnosis of the young generation in countries undergoing the political transformation in Eastern Europe and Asia. The empirical base used in this project were existing sources collected in national and international surveys and studies. The paper presents – first – some (psychological, sociological and political) arguments for a broader definition of youth, and then focuses on showing the three main areas requiring support, which are in analyzed countries: education, transition from school to employment and establishing the new independent family life.

Keywords: the youth; entering adulthood; education; labour market; privacy arrangements.

Cuvinte-cheie: tineret; începutul maturizării; educație; piața muncii; viață privată.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 45-65.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

ICT Use, Cultural and Leisure Lifestyles and Social Structure of Romanian Youth, in Central and Eastern European Context

Valér Veres

Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială, Cluj-Napoca, România. E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

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  1. Valér Veres. ICT Use, Cultural and Leisure Lifestyles and Social Structure of Romanian Youth, in Central and Eastern European Context. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):45-65, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Veres, Valér",
    	title = "ICT Use, Cultural and Leisure Lifestyles and Social Structure of Romanian Youth, in Central and Eastern European Context",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "45-65",
    	abstract = "In this paper we analyse the cultural and leisure lifestyle and internet and computer technology (ICT) use of the Romanian young population according to their position in the social structure, focusing on frequent ICT users and so called “screenagers”. The empirical source are the EUROSTAT statistics between 2008 and 2016 and a random survey (ANSIT) for Romania, from 2008, out the 18-35 age group, with 998 cases. First we characterised the Romanian youth situation in EU and CEE context. We observed a serious social and digital gap between Romania and the most CEE EU member countries in 2008, which was improved partially until 2013-2016. Then, only for Romanian case, we have created four consumer groups by means of factor analysis representing ICT related cultural lifestyles. These groups are the following: ‘screenagers’ who consume culture through computers and the internet, being informed from these sources, communicating with their help, ’clubbing and sport’ lifestyle, ‘high culture’ and ‘home literature readers’. We have also analysed the socio-demographic background of ICT frequent users: high educational level and a residence in a big city predict frequent ICT use for various purposes. Screenager lifestyle is strongly associated with the upper and upper-middle class status, but also other lifestyles are present among middle class youngsters in Romania, while the youth from lower class and deprived are under represented in all lifestyle groups.",
    	keywords = "ICT use; lifestyles; culture and leisure consume; youth; social structure; community",
    	year = 2017

Abstract: In this paper we analyse the cultural and leisure lifestyle and internet and computer technology (ICT) use of the Romanian young population according to their position in the social structure, focusing on frequent ICT users and so called “screenagers”. The empirical source are the EUROSTAT statistics between 2008 and 2016 and a random survey (ANSIT) for Romania, from 2008, out the 18-35 age group, with 998 cases. First we characterised the Romanian youth situation in EU and CEE context. We observed a serious social and digital gap between Romania and the most CEE EU member countries in 2008, which was improved partially until 2013-2016. Then, only for Romanian case, we have created four consumer groups by means of factor analysis representing ICT related cultural lifestyles. These groups are the following: ‘screenagers’ who consume culture through computers and the internet, being informed from these sources, communicating with their help, ’clubbing and sport’ lifestyle, ‘high culture’ and ‘home literature readers’. We have also analysed the socio-demographic background of ICT frequent users: high educational level and a residence in a big city predict frequent ICT use for various purposes. Screenager lifestyle is strongly associated with the upper and upper-middle class status, but also other lifestyles are present among middle class youngsters in Romania, while the youth from lower class and deprived are under represented in all lifestyle groups.

Keywords: ICT use; lifestyles; culture and leisure consume; youth; social structure; community.

Cuvinte-cheie: utilizatori de internet şi computer; stiluri de viaţă; consum cultural şi recreere; tineret; structură socială.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 33-44.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Migration as an Element of Young People’s Life Strategies

Jaroslaw Domalewski

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Department of Sociology, Fosa Staromiejska 1a st. 87-100 Toruń, Poland. E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

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  1. Jaroslaw Domalewski. Migration as an Element of Young People’s Life Strategies. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):33-44, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Domalewski, Jaroslaw",
    	title = "Migration as an Element of Young People’s Life Strategies",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "33-44",
    	abstract = "In this article our main interest is oriented toward the question of the extent to which immigration is an element of life strategies of the young generation in Europe that formerly experienced communism. Is it possible to see differences in emigration patterns as a potential or actual life experience of young people, starting from disparities in socio-economic development? Within the compared countries, we have followed some aspects like the cost of transition, position of young people on the labour market, etc., and tried to explain decisions to emigrate. We investigated the youngsters willingness to gain new experiences as a result of their susceptibility to the pressure of consumerism. As no other age group, the young generation experiences tensions resulting from a clash of global patterns of the “appropriate” life offers and abilities to claim them. In our opinion, these opportunities are potentially one of the most important factors determining the choice of “alternative” pathways in their life. Taking into consideration the affluence of the compared societies and their labour market, emigration should have become the element of young people’s life strategy’s in some ex-communist countries much more often than in others. If young Hungarians intend to combine gainful employment with education and emigration, therefore, is for them, first of all, an opportunity to gain new life experiences, for others, like young Bulgarians, Latvians, Romanians and even Poles, emigration is seen more as a necessity related to pursuing their own life ambitions otherwise unavailable in their native country. Therefore emigration becomes an element of their life strategy even if it means taking up gainful employment below their qualifications.",
    	keywords = "consumerism; life experiences; post-communist societies; youth unemployment",
    	year = 2017

Abstract: In this article our main interest is oriented toward the question of the extent to which immigration is an element of life strategies of the young generation in Europe that formerly experienced communism. Is it possible to see differences in emigration patterns as a potential or actual life experience of young people, starting from disparities in socio-economic development? Within the compared countries, we have followed some aspects like the cost of transition, position of young people on the labour market, etc., and tried to explain decisions to emigrate. We investigated the youngsters willingness to gain new experiences as a result of their susceptibility to the pressure of consumerism. As no other age group, the young generation experiences tensions resulting from a clash of global patterns of the “appropriate” life offers and abilities to claim them. In our opinion, these opportunities are potentially one of the most important factors determining the choice of “alternative” pathways in their life. Taking into consideration the affluence of the compared societies and their labour market, emigration should have become the element of young people’s life strategy’s in some ex-communist countries much more often than in others. If young Hungarians intend to combine gainful employment with education and emigration, therefore, is for them, first of all, an opportunity to gain new life experiences, for others, like young Bulgarians, Latvians, Romanians and even Poles, emigration is seen more as a necessity related to pursuing their own life ambitions otherwise unavailable in their native country. Therefore emigration becomes an element of their life strategy even if it means taking up gainful employment below their qualifications.

Keywords: consumerism; life experiences; post-communist societies; youth unemployment.

Cuvinte-cheie: consumerism; experiențe de viață; societăți postcomuniste; șomajul tinerilor.

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 67-84.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Labour Market Integration of Young People in Bulgaria: The Implementation of Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative

Lyuba Spasova

Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 1000, 4 Serdika Str. E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

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  1. Lyuba Spasova. Labour Market Integration of Young People in Bulgaria: The Implementation of Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):67-84, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Spasova, Lyuba",
    	title = "Labour Market Integration of Young People in Bulgaria: The Implementation of Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "67-84",
    	abstract = "The Youth Guarantee and its financial tool the Youth Employment Initiative as EU level initiative, aim to answer the rising concerns caused by the growing problems of youth unemployment by fostering youth activation and labour market integration. Both are associated to specific recommendations for member states to enhance intra-agency coordination and to expand the scope of labour market policies, while both present a good case for research regarding policies’ coordination and government, and in-policy content. The paper analyses the process of introducing and implementing YG and YIE in Bulgaria and outlines changes in the activation policy and strategies for youth labour market integration with focus on both substantial and procedural reforms. For the empirical purpose of the study, desk-research on relevant policy documents, existing national evaluations, country-based literature and statistics, media publications and expert interviews conducted with policy actors from agencies involved in the implementation of labour market programs. The article contributes to the state of art by presenting and analysing details and insights on policy changes as well as existing short-term data on policy outcomes and tries to go further by suggesting policy recommendations to improve existing measures.",
    	keywords = "youth; labour market integration; Youth Guarantee; policy reforms",
    	year = 2017

Abstract: The Youth Guarantee and its financial tool the Youth Employment Initiative as EU level initiative, aim to answer the rising concerns caused by the growing problems of youth unemployment by fostering youth activation and labour market integration. Both are associated to specific recommendations for member states to enhance intra-agency coordination and to expand the scope of labour market policies, while both present a good case for research regarding policies’ coordination and government, and in-policy content. The paper analyses the process of introducing and implementing YG and YIE in Bulgaria and outlines changes in the activation policy and strategies for youth labour market integration with focus on both substantial and procedural reforms. For the empirical purpose of the study, desk-research on relevant policy documents, existing national evaluations, country-based literature and statistics, media publications and expert interviews conducted with policy actors from agencies involved in the implementation of labour market programs. The article contributes to the state of art by presenting and analysing details and insights on policy changes as well as existing short-term data on policy outcomes and tries to go further by suggesting policy recommendations to improve existing measures.

Keywords: youth; labour market integration; Youth Guarantee; policy reforms.

Cuvinte-cheie: tineret; integrarea pe piaţa muncii; Youth Guarantee; reforme ale politicilor.

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